About Padre Pio
Meet Padre Pio. Padre Chipiliro Pio Banda is a Malawian national, born in the commercial city of Malawi; Blantyre. He has been playing music with various recording artists in Malawi before resigning from stage work to studio production. Padre is a melodic singer and a music producer. Padre plays every instrument, but he is good with piano/ keyboard and lead choir vocals. He has been playing keyboard at the Holy-Word Jesus Ministries (HOJEM) before it became a church now called Word-Manna Church under our father in the Lord in Lilongwe until the time of Prophet Meek Banda’s relocation. He is currently working on new projects with our father in the Lord; His Excellency, Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda. More music is coming from Padre under Word-Manna Talent.